J & M Garage Door Repair

J&M Garage Door Repair

Serving Cheyenne WY
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Garage Door Opener Installation Loveland

emergency garage door repair Garage door installation Garage Door Repair Garage door service Residential Garage Door Repair 24 hour garage door repair

Project Description

J&M Garage Door Repair had a Garage Door Opener Installation project in the Loveland, CO area. The homeowner called for a garage repair since they wanted to fix their garage. We responded quickly to their request for a garage door opener installation Loveland as the homeowner was looking for a residential garage door repair company. We were able to install the new garage door opener quickly for the homeowner.

When your garage door opener stops working correctly, the reason is typically rather basic, however, it is recommended to hire a professional to solve these difficulties.

The Most Common Causes of Garage Door Opener Failure

  • The garage door reverses immediately upon impact with the ground.

Several probable reasons for a garage door reversing before it reaches the ground include the following:

Adjusting the closing force - the amount of pressure allowed to descend a door before the motor shuts off on garage door openers is accomplished through an adjustable screw. It is fairly unusual for the door to reverse direction before reaching the floor, suggesting that the close-force setting needs to be adjusted.

Due to the friction of the door rollers inside the tracks, the door opener is misled into thinking the door has hit the floor, and the opener's sensitivity has to be lowered.

Damaged or corroded rollers may increase friction, causing the door opener to stop prematurely. Keep the rollers in excellent condition and appropriately lubricated to prevent this problem.

  • The garage door reverses immediately upon impact with the ground.

If the garage door flies upward upon impact with the ground, there might be a problem with the close limit switch. Adjust the door opener motor's close-limit adjustment screw in modest increments until the door comes to a full stop when it reaches the floor.

  • The garage door is not completely closed.

When the garage door ascends properly but does not completely open, the following are the most common reasons. The following procedures should be followed while installing a garage door opener:

The up-limit switch may need to be relocated closer to the motor unit. This switch is often a simple touch-lever located near the motor unit at the track's end; if it is located too far away from the motor, the door will not completely open.

As a workaround, the switch should be relocated closer to the motor unit. This is a somewhat unusual occurrence that often occurs immediately following the installation of a new garage door opener. Additionally, the door may stall before completely opening because it is obstinate or has broken rollers. Inspect and repair any broken rollers.

So as you see, garage door repairs can vary, and a trusted garage door repair company such as J&M Garage Doors can be relied upon to handle any garage door problems you encounter. Learning the different types of garage door problems will make it less complicated for you to relay these issues to a garage door company. Never forget, you should never try and fix the problem yourself. Always hire a professional to repair any garage door problem dependably including garage door opener installation.

At J&M Garage Door Repair, we specialize in the repair, installation, replacement, and maintenance of garage doors in Loveland, CO.  If you are concerned about the quality, cost, and reliability of our service, you can trust our residential garage door repair company. We assure you that J&M Garage Door Repair will provide you with the best services in the area at the best prices. Call us today at (307) 222-3830, and we will respond to your request as soon as we can.

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